Treatment for Genital and Anal Warts with Homeopathy

Treatment for Genital and Anal Warts with Homeopathy

  • Category: all
  • Date: 31-12-2024

Genital warts (GW), aka Condyloma, Condylomata Accuminata, Orvenereal Warts, Anal Warts, or Anogenital Warts, are tiny skin-colored or pink swellings in the genital or the anal region (rectum), which are ahighly contagious sexually transmitted infection (STI). Both men andwomen can be afflicted by these skin infections, caused by a virus called Human Papillomavirus (HPV). A genital wart is simply an HPV infection. 


There are over one hundred types of HPV that cause different types of warts, classified depending on how they appear, including common warts, plantar warts, mosaic warts, flat warts, filiform warts, and genital warts.


Common warts: Common warts are skin growths appear on fingers or hands that do an impression of strongly-felt tiny seeds or pin heads. These flesh-colored flecks are dead blood vessels with coatings. 

Plantar warts: Plantar warts are rough grainy growths appearing on the soles of the feet that cause pain or discomfort, although they are harmless in some cases. They occur commonly in children. 


Mosaic warts: Mosaic warts are a type of plantar warts that are a cluster of pinhead-sized white pimples usually seen in the soles of the feet. Yet, they can proliferate across the foot but seldom cause pain or discomfort while walking. 

Flat warts: Flat warts are smooth, benign brownish-yellow-colored flat-topped bumps that appear mostly in the face, hands, and chin, although they can appear anywhere in the body. Their size varies from 1-3mm. 


Filiform warts: Filiform warts are harmless, yet highly contagious long, thin projections in the skin that give the skin characteristic appearance to the skin. These infections are noticed, most commonly, around mouth, eyes, and anywhere on the face.

Genital warts: Genital warts are sexually transmitted infections (STI) that are noticeable small, rigid bumpy projections occurring in the genitalia – both internal and external structures. The female internal genitalia include ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and vagina. They also appear on the folds of the skin around the openings of the vagina) and around or inside the anus. 


Genital warts can appear in anyone that is sexually active. It is easily transmitted:

 Between sexual partners, through intimate skin-to-skin contactduring penetrative (vaginal or anal) sex and penile-oral or vaginal-oral sex.

 Sharing sex toys.

 Contact with genital secretions.

 From pregnant mothers to their babies. 

Four out of five 45-year-old individuals and above are affected by HPV at least once in their life. These skin abnormalities (warts) show up usually within three months of physical contact.


Like other skin infections such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, dermatitis, skin cancer, vitiligo, and hives, genital warts can affect the skin’s appearance, texture, and function. In general, HPV can be asymptomatic, in some cases. People can still transmit HPV infection even if they themselves do not have any detectable abnormalities in the skin. So, by superficially looking at a person, you cannot declare that he or she has HPV. However, there are visible signs of the virus, particularly for genital warts. In people that are afflicted by HPV infections, genital warts can fade away after a course of treatment, but the HPV can still be dormant, and can be transmitted to other people. 


Genital Warts Can Cause Cervical Cancer


HPV can cause skin cancer, including cervical cancer. In fact, HPV infection is associated with about 90% of cervical cancer cases. Also, HPV’s involvement is significant in other types of cancers such as anal, vaginal, vulvar, penile, and throat cancers. HPV infects the cells in the cervix and affects their communication with one another and their replication. In some cases, the virus develops profusely, affecting numerous cells, leading to cancer. Although certain types of genital HPV can cause cervical cancer, not all individuals having HPV can develop genital warts. 


Once affected, HPV infection is incurable, but there are a handful of things one can do to remain healthy and safe. Also, there are vaccines that can prevent high-risk HPV, especially those that cause genital warts. These vaccines are extremely safe and highly effective at against HPV-6 and HPV-11, the vaccines are almost 100% effective. HPV vaccines are rigorously tested, and are administered to over 270 million people across the world since 2006. One or more doses of this vaccine, at different intervals, are given to people of different age groups. As with any other vaccine, HPV vaccines have mild side effects, including soreness, swelling in the arm (the area that was jabbed), fever, dizziness, nausea, headache, fatigue, and pain in the muscles or joints. 


Symptoms of Cervical Cancer


People afflicted with HPV infection suffer common symptoms such as:

 Abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge
 Pain during sex
 Pain in the lower back, stomach, or ribs

The treatment of cervical cancer may entail surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy. However, these expensive treatments aren’t at hand or easily accessible in third-world countries, especially poor nations where this type of cancer is pronounced. Because of this, screening and prevention are crucial. 

If you don’t wash yourself regularly, you’re highly likely to entice skin conditions like rashes.” While health nuts consider this as a mantra, others may consider it as a platitude. Even Dermatologists say not bathing regularly need not necessarily produce rashes in the skin, as unwelcoming skin conditions are constitutional. 

Just making the visible rashes disappear will not get rid of the HPV infection altogether. 


In most cases, HPV infection does not require special treatment, as the body naturally obliterates the virus. However, medical attention is necessary when these warts linger in the body, causing pain and discomfort and the sufferer becomes conscious about them. They can be lightened or removed with various creams and surgical treatments, but no treatment can expunge them completely. They usually disappear without any intervention in less than two years. With that said genital warts can be prevented by the proper use of condoms and getting an HPV immunization. 



Myths about Genital Cancer

 HPV always causes cancer or that HPV means cancer
 HPV infections are curable
 HPV vaccines are unsafe
 Promiscuous men and women are at great risks for HPV 
 Sitting on a toilet seat used by an STI-infected person can afflict a person with the infection

Four Surgical Procedures to Expunge Genital Warts

 or Cryosurgery

In Cryotherapy, a standard treatment for warts, an extremely cold substance such as liquid nitrogen is used in freezing the warts. Typically, 50% - 70% of warts are cured by this procedure after three or four visits to the doctor’s facility. The risks of cryosurgery include scarring, bleeding, infection, and pain. Although the infection can be reduced by receiving antibiotics, you may have to depend on some medicines to alleviate pain, which is the most common side effect. 


This procedure is used to remove genital warts on the penis, vulva, or in the proximity of the anus by burning them with a low-voltage electrified probe (a blunt-ended surgical instrument used for investigating a wound or a part of the body. In Electrocautery, electric current is passed to the probe to burn away the abnormal tissue, thereby the getting rid of the warts. Consequent to the procedure, there can be some pain, swelling, and tenderness at the area that harbours these warts before these symptoms disappear and the skin heals. Although this procedure can remove the warts, the HPV infection may take its own time to go away. Hence proper care has to be taken, using protection during intercourse to keep from spreading it to the partner. 

Surgical Excision

Surgical Excision procedure is followed to remove the noticeable genital warts on the genitals (penis, vagina, or around the anus) using cutting tools such as surgical knife (scalpel). Excision is the act or procedure of removing/cutting out, especially by a surgery or resection (a surgery to remove tissue or a part or the entire organ). The advantage with excision is the cancer cure rate is high while the disadvantage is that the extra tissue needs to be wiped out to ensure that all of the cancer cells are treated, which can result in a big scar. 

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment is far too expensive than the other procedures for treating genital warts. However, it is used in eliminating anorectal, penile, and urethral warts in males and cervical and vaginal warts in females. Therefore, laser treatment is mostly used to remove external genital lesions. In Laser treatment, a high-intensity laser beam is directed at the warts to heat and destroy the virus causing the condition. This treatment is done in a doctor’s facility or clinic. 

Getting rid of the warts through any of the aforementioned surgical procedures does not mean the warts have gone. Genital warts can revisit with some weeks or months, after their removal through a surgical treatment, because treating the warts or surgically removing them does not necessarily eliminate all of the HPVs that are responsible in causing the warts. The skin in the genital or the vaginal area may seem normal, but the virus may be dormant in some of the cells, which will proliferate to the other cells. 

Therefore, the best way to treat existential genital warts is via homeopathy for the simple reason that homeopathy medication is safe and administers tiny doses of the medicines to reinforce the immune system in order to combat the malady, and allopathic doctors are of the same mind.

The Other Side of Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic medicines are safe, and the risks of adverse side effects arising from receiving these solutions are said to be minimal. However, certain homeopathic medicines may have unsafe substances or those that intrude with other medicines. Also, there is little evidence for the efficacy of homeopathic remedies. Therefore, it is strongly advised that you speak to your family doctor if you are in the course of treatment and you are considering using homeopathic medicine, alongside. 

Homeopathic products aren’t FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved. Although, homeopathic products are labelled as highly-diluted, some of them contain significant quantities of active ingredients. Therefore, they can cause significant harm to patients. 

Also, because there can be delay in proper diagnosis and treatment, which, in turn, can allow your condition to get worse, homeopathy is best used to supplement, not supersede conventional medicine.


Homeopathy treatments are based on: 

 Like-cure-like Principle: the substance that ensues symptoms in a normal person can be put to use to treat symptoms and ailments.

 Law of infinitesimals: the more diluted the substance used is the more influential it is.


Try Some Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Genital Warts

Although genital warts may disappear on their own in a couple of years, you can put a spurt on to heal genital warts, with certain home remedies:


Green Tea Extract


A study showed that recommended green tea extract may help treat genital warts as it contains sinecatechins and polyphenon E. There are green tea extracts called sinecatechins that are said to work as effectively as standard topical medical solutions. 


According to a 2015 study, sinecatechins ointment is available on the market that can be applied to the affected skin. 


Also, according to a 2018 study, a topical green tea extract, known as polyphenon E, showed appreciable results in treating plantar warts. 


Tea Tree Oil


The antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil may abate the severity of certain viruses, including the wart-causing viruses. According to some evidences, the tea tree oil is effective in treating warts on the other areas of the body. 


Witch Hazel


Witch Hazel, flowering shrubs whose leaves and barks have medicinal properties are may help treat abnormalities in the skin caused by inflammation. Witch Hazel is available in the liquid form in most of the drug stores. It is also one of the components used in various medications. Witch Hazel is a natural astringent is applied in the affected region repeatedly for many weeks before seeing the outcome. This natural medicine can fend off HPV type 16, which causes genital warts. 

However, this information is not enough to confirm its effectiveness.





Garlic, known to have several, anti-inflammatory anti-bacterial and therapeutic properties, has been in use as a medicine for thousands of years. There is empirical evidence demonstrating the benefits of garlic and its potential to treat genital warts. Add a drop of two of garlic extract to coconut oil, mix it well, and apply it on the affected area. Garlic helps in getting rid of warts, and gives a faster relief. 



Lifestyle Changes


Because genital warts (HPV) are sexually transmitted infections, people must take precautions in order to reduce the chances of spreading the disease to others. One universally known option is using protection during sexual intercourse. Also, according to some studies, changes in the diet may alleviate the symptoms of genital warts. According to a review in 2015, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli (cauliflower) and cabbage may forestall the growth of genital warts. The intake of these vegetables in juice or other edible forms may be effective against GW. Also, to foster the healing process, it is better to avoid immune stressors such as smoking and processed- or low-nutrient diet. 


Foods to Incorporate in Your Daily Diet

 Anti-oxidant rich foods: cherries, tomatoes, and bell peppers
 Greens such as spinach
 Whole grains


When Is Homeopathy Used? If I am a Neophyte to Homeopathy, What Can I Expect from the Homeopath?


Homeopathy is used to treat any array of health conditions, including asthma, ear infections, hay fever, allergies, dermatitis, arthritis, and high blood pressure, It is also used to treat mental health conditions, including depression, stress, and anxiety. Certain homeopathy practitioners also claim that they treat many diseases such as malaria. 


On your first consultation with a homeopath, he or she will check about your general health, emotional state & lifestyle, and, most importantly, diet. Also, a physical examination is done conscientiously from top to bottom and the homeopath will probe into your daily routine. Subsequently, they’ll decide on the course of the treatment, best suited for you. The homeopathy treatment usually involves the use of pills, capsules, or tincture. From the second visit, your doctor will focus on discussing healthy lifestyle practices, which can have real health benefits. 



Although genital warts, in most cases, fade away on their own within two years, it is crucial to study the warts and the infection causing them. Even if you see no signs of the warts after the treatment, HPV may be quiescent in the body. That is to say, they can cause genital warts again, which may infect sexual partners. 

Homeopathy is based on like-cures-like principle, according to which, the substance that triggers a particular disorder, can also treat that disorder. This theory is also known as “law of similar.”

Homeopathy remedy is a kind of CAM (Complementary and alternative medicine), in which the homeopaths believe that modicums of substances that, in larger quantities, cause symptoms, when diluted, have the potential to cure the symptoms. After the causing substances are greatly diluted and shook, their curative abilities are activated.Homeopaths believe a single remedy, in the smallest dose possible, is used for all aspects of an ailment.

Homeopathy treatment has been practiced for more than two centuriesand involves about 2,000 remedies. While research professionals are still working to determine its efficacy, homeopathic treatments are being deployed in conjunction with the mainstream medicine, especially for symptom management. Allopathic treatments, especially surgical treatments involve certain common risks, including scar, infection and pain. 

People having genital warts should speak to their doctors and have them treated in a timely manner in order to keep them from passing on the virus. It is essential to educate any sexual partners about HPV status and safe sex. Also, it is strongly suggested that the home remedies are tried only after speaking to your doctor. 

If you are afflicted with genital warts, or any type of warts, consult Dr. Vikas Singhal, a Homeopath from Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot, for expert advice. He has won numerous recognitions in various realms, including cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic ulcers, gangrene, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus), an auto-immune disease.

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