Homeopathy Treatment for Fibroid
- Category: all
- Date: 03-02-2025
Fibroids, aka Uterine Fibroids or just Myomas, refer to non-cancerous growths or tumors, made up of muscle and fibrous tissues, which develop in the uterus. Pea-size to melon-size, they are classified as small (<5 cm/about the size of a golf ball), medium (5-10 cm/about the size of a golf ball to a grapefruit), or large (>10 cm/about the size of a grapefruit to watermelon). The cause of fibroids remains mysterious, but it is believed that hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, influence them. Also, during pregnancy, there is an increase in the production of estrogen and progesterone, so this may be another cause. Furthermore, genetic make-up may also be a cause for fibroids. For instance, if a mother or sibling has had fibroids, one is likely to contract them. Women who are obese are likely to get fibroids.If fibroids aren’t treated promptly, they become larger and larger, causing more critical health issues. They are be treated through conventional medications that may include a surgery, and women seeking non-surgical gentle treatments might opt for homeopathic treatment.
Doctors advise to avoid consuming certain foods, in large quantities, that include:
Sugary foods : High-sugar foods may cause weight gain, inflammation, and increased estrogen production.
Red meat : Red meat can elevate estrogen levels, so it can potentially promote fibroid growth.
Fatty dairy products : High-fatty dairy products contain hormones and chemicals that contribute to inflammation.
Refined carbohydrates : Refined carbohydrates can disrupt estrogen balance and cause fibroids to grow larger.
High-sodium foods : Sodium foods taken in large quantities can strain the liver, which plays a key role in regulating hormones.
Processed foods : Processed foods may trigger inflammation and cause hormonal imbalance.
Caffeinated beverages : Caffeinated drinks may worsen fibroid-related discomfort.
Excessive alcohol : Too much alcohol can exacerbate fibroid-related symptoms.
Fibroids grow in groups, causing a variety of symptoms such as pelvic pain, heavy periods, frequent urination, constipation, swelling of the abdomen, and unusual weight gain. Although most women with fibroids do not experience any symptoms, the common symptoms include:
Menstrual Changes : Involves heavy periods aka menorrhagia, no more than excessive menstrual bleeding characterized by excessive blood loss, frequent pad or tampon changes, and prolonged bleeding, bleeding between periods, and painful periods.
Abdominal Symptoms : Characterized by bloating, fullness, pressure, and pain.
Urinary Symptoms : Fibroids can cause urinary symptoms, including frequent urination, urinary incontinence (inability to control the flow of urine from the bladder), and difficulty in micturition (emptying the bladder).
Ways to Treat Uterine Fibroids
Fibroids are treated depending on the criticality of the case, the size of the fibroids, and the site where fibroids are found. The following are the various treatments at hand to remove fibroids:
Close Monitoring : If one has had fibroids, but isn’t experiencing any symptoms, regular monitoring is done to ascertain the presence of fibroids before treating them.
Hormonal Treatments : Hormonal treatments such as birth control pills (Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists) can help manage excessive bleeding and shrink the size of the fibroids.
Minimally-invasive Procedures : Treatments such as uterine artery embolization, myomectomy, or focused ultrasound surgery (FUS) are followed in order to preserve fertility.
Hysterectomy : In most cases when preserving fertility is not the concern, hysterectomy (removal of the uterus through a surgery) is recommended. Of late, Hysterectomy procedure is done by deploying a laparoscope, and is called laparoscopic hysterectomy.
Endometrial Ablation : This procedure is done to control excessive menstrual bleeding caused by fibroids by extirpating the uterine lining.
Homeopathic Treatment: Homeopathic Treatment is a gentle, non-invasive treatment for uterine fibroids, but patience is the key as it might take several months, or even years.
The treatment for fibroids is given in accordance to the seriousness of the symptoms, their size, and the site of the fibroids. Also, conventional treatment for uterine fibroids include Myomectomy (clearing fibroids) or Hysterectomy (removal of uterus), both the treatments having their own risks. So, most women seek non-invasive benign treatments such as Homeopathy in getting rid of fibroids. Homeopathy offers an effective treatment for fibroids. From Pulsatilla to Urtica Urens, remedies in homeopathy can help alleviate discomfort and promote overall well-being. However, homeopathic treatments might take several months, requiring patience and regular follow-ups, and women seeking quick relief from fibroids may get impatient. Consult Dr. Vikas Singhal, one of the most prominent homeopaths in India, having a facility in Chandigarh. Homeopathy treatment for fibroids at Dr. Singhal Homeodoctor entails a holistic approach in gently and naturally remedying uterine fibroids. For personalized treatments in removing fibroids, visit Dr. Singhal’s Homeodoctor where balance and healing are of paramount importance.
What Homeopathic Treatment Can Offer
Non-Invasive Procedure : Homeopathy provides natural remedies to manage fibroids without the need for surgery.
Fibroid Shrinkage : Helps reduce the size of fibroids by targeting their root causes.
Restore Hormonal Balance : Addresses hormonal imbalances that contribute to fibroid development.
Regulates Menstrual Cycles : Alleviates symptoms like heavy bleeding and pain.
Prevents Recurrences : As homeopathic treatments address the root cause, they promote long-term well-being and help prevent fibroid reoccurrence.
The Most Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Uterine Fibroids
Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris : Effective for fibroids coupled with extended periods, clots, and uterine colic. Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris is one of the most common homeopathic medications prescribed for fibroids with menstruation, characterized by heavy and prolonged bleeding. It helps alleviate abdominal cramps and back pain, connected to menses.
Calcarea Carb : Calcarea Carb is helpful for treating women with heavy bleeding and dizziness.
Belladonna : Used for fibroids with painful, bright red bleeding. Belladonna is used in treating sudden symptoms and acute conditions.
Sepia Officinalis : Best for bearing-down pain, fainting, and painful intercourse. It is also a remedy for fibroids with clotted bleeding and lower abdominal pain.
Ustilago Maydis : It is effective in treating women with fibroids experiencing irregular menstrual periods with dark, stringy bleeding.
Phosphorus : Used when there’s persistent bleeding, weakness, and a pale complexion.
Thyroidinum : Fibroids and thyroid disorders are related. Thyroidinum is helpful for fibroids associated with obesity and feelings of heat.
Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum : Suitable for fibroids with mood disturbances and pain in the ovarian regions. Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum is one of the most frequently prescribed homeopathic medications in treating fibroids.
Thuja Occidentalis : Recommended for irregular menstruation and left-sided pain. Thuja Occidentalis is prescribed for women with multiple fibroids, especially if they’re sore and hard.
Uterine Fibroid Cases in India
Fibroids are a commonly found health issue in India, affecting a large number of women, particularly during their reproductive period. According to a research, 20-40% of women in India, or even more, will develop fibroids at some point in their lives.
Studies show that excessive menstrual bleeding, uterine prolapse, and fibroids are major reasons for hysterectomies in India.
Uterine fibroids can affect pregnancy outcomes, increasing the risk of issues such as preterm labor (labor that starts 37 weeks after gestation), postpartum hemorrhage, and low birth weight in newborns.
Case Studies and Research
Studies and case reports from India highlight the prevalence of fibroids and their impact, including instances of large fibroids, complications during pregnancy, and the success of various treatment approaches.
Treatment Options
Conventional Treatments : There are various treatment options for managing fibroids in India, ranging from medical management and minimally invasive procedures like uterine artery embolization to surgical interventions such as myomectomy and hysterectomy.
Ayurvedic Interventions : Certain studies explore the use of ayurvedhic remedies to manage fibroids, with case studies showing potential benefits in reducing pain and improving symptoms.
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths or tumors that are to be treated promptly, which would otherwise grow bigger, and consequently, the discomforts and trouble increases. About a quarter of the women’s population in India suffer from fibroids. Women with fibroids can either take the conventional or homeopathic route, depending on whether they are looking for a quick solution that may require a surgery or a benign, non-surgical option. Consult Dr. Vikas Singhal from Dr. Singhal’s Homeodoctor having over two decades of homeopathic treatment experience, to get a complete solution for fibroids.