Homeopathic Remedies for Colic Relief | Safe & Natural Solutions

Homeopathic Remedies for Colic Relief | Safe & Natural Solutions

  • Category: all
  • Date: 06-01-2025


Colic is a condition of our body in which there is intense pain in the stomach. This pain is often accompanied by bloating and cramping. This issue can happen to people of any age group. Colic can cause a lot of discomfort to you. Homeopathic remedies can be a good option for you to get relief from this because it is natural and safe medical process.

In this blog we will understand colic well and will also know about its causes and symptoms. And how can we cure this pain with homeopathy. How does homeopathy cure our body in a natural way due to which the symptoms go away without any side effect.

Apart from this, in this blog we will know about some popular homeopathic remedies like chamomilla, colocynthis, lycopodium. And we will also understand which homeopathic remedy is more useful for which type of colic pain, along with this we will also discuss about the benefits of choosing homeopathy.

Here we will give you some additional tips which can be followed along with homeopathic remedies for colic issue, and we will also clear the common myths about homeopathy.

If you need relief from colic and you want to choose homeopathy for it then in this blog you will get all the information about how homeopathy can be an effective and natural solution for colic relief.

Understanding Colic in details

Colic is a condition in which we have sudden and severe pain in the stomach. This pain often comes in waves, in which the pain is very severe initially and then gradually subsides and you feel a little better. Colic can occur in people of any age group, but it is mostly seen in newborn babies. Colic is caused due to issues of the digestive system, gas formation in the stomach or stress. Colic is not a disease, but an indication of an underlying problem. Its correct treatment is very important, so that you can get relief and your discomfort goes away.

Types of colic -

There are basically 3 types of colic. Their causes are different and their symptoms are also different. Its different types are as follows-

1. Infantile colic:

This type of colic is mostly seen in young children, especially those whose age is less than 6 months. In this condition your baby cries continuously and pulls his legs towards the stomach. This symptom mostly occurs in the evening or night and it is difficult to calm the baby.

2.Intestinal Colic:

This type of colic often occurs in older children and adults. Its main cause is digestive issue or gas. In this you have bloating and sharp cramping pain. This pain often occurs after eating food. Especially when your food is not digested properly, then you have to face this issue. A common cause of this type of colic is also irritable bowel syndrome.

3.Biliary colic:

This colic is mainly caused by gallstones. We have to face this issue when the bile ducts of our gallbladder get blocked. This causes severe pain in the upper abdomen and back. The pain becomes more intense after eating fatty foods. Along with the symptoms, vomiting can also occur.

The Science Behind Colic

Colic is a symptomatic condition which occurs due to spasm or irritation occurring under our stomach. If you understand the science behind colic then you will understand the complex interaction between our digestive system and nervous system. It often occurs due to digestive imbalance or gas buildup. Let's understand it in details. The science behind colic pain is a bit complex. This is a problem that affects the digestive and nervous systems. But with proper treatment we can cure this problem completely. Natural treatments like homeopathy can provide long term relief from this problem.

1. Role of digestive system-

Colic often occurs in us when our digestive system becomes incapable of working properly. Due to our entire digestion, food particles start fermenting in the intestine due to which more gas starts forming in our stomach and bloating also occurs. This gas creates pressure in our stomach and affects the muscles, which is the main cause of colic pain. Undigested food creates irritation and inflammation in our intestine, which triggers colic pain.

2. Connection of nervous system-

The nervous system has a deep connection with intestine which is called "gut brain axis". Due to stress our vagus nerve gets overstimulated, due to which intestinal contractions become abnormal. These contractions are quite irregular and painful, due to which colic pain increases. In adults emotional stress is the main cause of intestinal spasms and colic pain.

3. Impact of gallbladder-

Biliary colic is related to gallstone. When our bile ducts get blocked due to which gallbladder becomes incapable of releasing its bile. This is necessary for fat digestion. Due to this blockage, pressure is created in the gallbladder and colic pain is caused.

4. Food allergies

Food allergies are also a common cause of colic pain. Due to this, inflammation occurs in our intestine and colic occurs. This issue is mostly seen in newborns, it is also common in some adults.

Overview of Homeopathy for Colic

Homeopathy is a natural treatment by which we can treat colic by identifying its root cause. Colic is an condition in which we have severe stomach pain and it can occur in any age group from newborn to adult. If we use conventional medicines for this disease then it gives us immediate relief but it can have side effects too. On the other hand homeopathy is an alternative, effective and safe method for colic issue which gives us long term relief. Homeopathy basically works on the principle of "like cures like". Meaning the reason due to which problem or symptom is created can also eliminate the problem. Homeopathy remedies are made from natural substances due to which our body develops the ability of self healing and this ability gets customized according to our individual symptoms.

In colic issue, homeopathy corrects the imbalance between our digestive system and nervous system. For example, due to immature digestive system in small babies, undigested milk creates gas in their stomach which is the main cause of colic pain in them. In such cases homeopathic remedies like chamomilla and colocynthis are more effective. Chamomilla is useful for those babies who keep weeping slowly and get irritated due to pain. Colocynthis is very effective for those children who feel relief from pain by pulling their feet in the stomach. In adults colic pain is caused due to overeating and unhealthy lifestyle and in this condition nux vomica proves very helpful in giving relief. Apart from these carbovegetabilis is also very effective for gas and bloating. Homeopathy is more beneficial because it is safe and non addictive. Homeopathic treatment being natural is free from side effects and is suitable for every age group. Its biggest speciality is that it not only cures the symptoms but also cures its root cause from the root. If colic is occurring frequently, homeopathy treats its root cause so that there are no chances of it recurring.

The effect of homeopathy is more when we also follow lifestyle changes along with it. Homeopathic treatment approach is holistic and also improves our digestive health and immunity. Homeopathy is a cheap, good and effective solution for conditions like colic. If you want long term relief from colic then homeopathy can prove to be the best option for you.

Common Homeopathic Remedies for Colic

Colic is such a condition of our body in which there is unbearable pain in our stomach. Its main cause is digestive issue, gas build up or stress. Homeopathy offers us natural and effective solutions for colic relief. It targets its root cause and provides long term relief. Homeopathic remedies for colic are natural and safe. If you are looking for a sustainable and side effect free solution for colic then homeopathy can be a reliable option for you. Let us understand in detail how and when different homeopathy remedies are used for colic.

1. Chamomilla

Chamomilla is an effective remedy for children who cry a lot and get irritated. If your baby is crying continuously and is restless, then Chamomilla helps a lot in this condition. This remedy is also very useful when the child has colic pain during teething.

Chamomilla calms your child's nervous system and reduces their pain. This remedy is more effective in such cases when your baby keeps crying continuously due to colic pain.


If you have severe stomach cramps and bloating and you feel relief by folding your legs in the stomach, then colocynthis will be an ideal homeopathic remedy for you. Apart from this, if you are troubled by gas build-up, then this remedy is also suitable for you.

Colocynthis relaxes your stomach muscles and restores smooth flow in your digestive system. Apart from this, this remedy also controls gas and bloating, which gives us relief from colic pain.

3.Nux vomica

If you have colic pain due to overeating or unhealthy lifestyle then Nux vomicacan give you the most relief. Apart from this, if you have pain or discomfort in the stomach after eating spicy food, alcohol or junk food then this remedy will suit you.

Nux vomica detoxifies our liver and digestive system and also improves our metabolism. Apart from this, this remedy also works in stress induced colic.

4. Dioscorea

Dioscorea remedy is very helpful in situations where colic pain is sharp and accompanied by twisting sensation and the pain spreads from the upper abdomen to the lower tract. This remedy is also very effective in gallstone or biliary colic pain.

Dioscorea regulates our bile flow and reduces our colic pain by relaxing our abdominal muscles. This remedy is especially useful in biliary issues.

5. Carbo Vegetabilis

If you experience excessive gas and bloating then carbo vegetabilis is perfect for you. Apart from this, if your digestion is weak and you experience colic pain then this remedy is best for you.

Carbo vegetabilis releases the gas trapped in your digestive system and eliminates the discomfort you are experiencing. This remedy also works perfectly for people with weak digestion.

6. Magnesia Phosphorica

Magnesia phosphorica is the most effective homeopathic remedy for curing stomach cramps and enlargement. It is also effective in situations when your colic pain is relieved by applying worm compress or gentle pressure.

This remedy relaxes our smooth muscles and reduces cramps and enlargement. It makes our digestive system work properly and cures the symptoms of colic.

7. Lycopodium

If you have digestive issues and are also suffering from gas buildup, then lycopodium is the right choice for you.

Lycopodium improves the function of our liver and intestines and also improves our digestion. This remedy is a boon for digestive issues.

Why Choose Homeopathy for Colic?

Homeopathy is a safe and natural treatment for colic. The main focus of homeopathy is on curing the root of the symptom rather than the symptoms. Along with this it activates the self healing process of our body and gives us long term relief. Homeopathy balances our entire body and mind in colic issue and not just our digestive system.

We do not have any side effects from homeopathic remedies because these are made from natural substances. It easily suits people of any age group. Newborn babies, pregnant women and elderly people can also use it without any fear to cure their colic issues. Homeopathic remedies provide us safe and sustainable solution to cure overall colic issues.

Apart from all these, another advantage of homeopathy is that apart from curing our physical symptoms, it also cures our emotional triggers. If we are having continuous colic pain, homeopathy improves our immunity and digestive health, which increases the chances of not getting colic pain again.

If you are looking for a safe, natural and effective way to treat your colic pain then homeopathy remedy will be the best option for you.

Precautions and When to See a Doctor

Colic issue is a common problem these days, but if we take some basic precautions, it can be managed and cured to a great extent. But, sometimes such situations arise when it becomes necessary to take help of a doctor. Let's understand this topic in detail.

Precautions for Colic

 Take care of your diet:

To cure Colic, we should especially take special care of our diet. Breastfeeding mothers should avoid spicy and gas-forming foods like kidney beans and cabbage. Adults and older children should avoid consuming junk food, cold drinks, and alcohol.

 Avoid overfeeding:

Feeding newborn babies too much at one time can create problems for their digestion. Overeating in adults can increase gas and bloating. Making the baby burp properly after feeding prevents gas from getting trapped in the stomach.

 Lifestyle and Stress Management:

For adults and older children, it is important to follow relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation along with proper sleep routine.


Physical activity like light walking improves our digestion.

 Use Homeopathic Remedies:

Safe and natural homeopathic medicines are effective in reducing the symptoms of colic pain.

When to see for doctor's help?

If colic becomes severe or regular, or the symptoms seem unusual, you should visit a doctor without delay. There are some warning signs given below which should be noticed and you should immediately visit a doctor for consultation:

 Excessive Crying:

If the baby is crying continuously for 3 hours or more a day and soothing techniques are failing.

 Frequent Episodes:

If colic is recurring even after remedies and lifestyle changes.

 Weight Loss or Feeding Issues:

Baby's failure to gain weight or having difficulty in feeding can be a reason for concern.

 Vomiting and Diarrhea:

Repeated vomiting or diarrhea that causes dehydration can be serious.

 Severe Pain in Adults:

If adults are experiencing sharp and continuous pain, accompanied by fever or blood in stool, it is important to seek medical advice.

 Abnormal Symptoms in Babies:

If the baby shows green vomit, swollen abdomen, or lethargy, it could be a signal of an emergency.

Myths and Misconceptions About Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a popularly used treatment system, but there are some misconceptions which prevent people from understanding its benefits. The most common myth is that homeopathy works only because of patient's belief. But the truth is that homeopathy is an evidence-based practice that activates our body's self-healing mechanism by using diluted natural substances. Research studies have repeatedly proved its effectiveness.

Another common misconception is that homeopathy works very slow. As it totally depends on the condition. For example, for colic, homeopathy works quickly, whereas in chronic problems it takes some time to treat the root cause of the symptoms. Therefore, the misconception that homeopathy is always slow is completely wrong.

Many people think that homeopathic medicines may have side effects or can be harmful in case of overdose. But the truth is that homeopathic remedies are highly diluted and are absolutely safe, be it a newborn or pregnant women. It is a natural and harmless treatment which is safe and suitable for all age groups.

Another misconception is that homeopathy is a very expensive treatment. But in reality it is very affordable and provides a cost-effective solution for long-term relief. These misconceptions are only due to lack of awareness. If these myths are removed, it will become easy to understand homeopathy as a safe and reliable treatment method.


Colic is a common problem that can affect people from newborns to adults. In this blog we have learned what causes colic and what are its symptoms. Homeopathy is a natural, safe and effective approach that not only relieves the symptoms but also addresses the root cause and treats it. Homeopathic remedies like Chamomilla, Colocynthis, Nux Vomica, and Magnesia Phosphorica provide you with condition-specific relief and are safe for all age groups.

Homeopathy is the best treatment for colic pain due to its treatment approach, affordability, and lack of side effects. Precautions such as paying attention to diet, avoiding overfeeding, and timely burping in children can cure colic. But, if the symptoms are severe, it is important to seek help from a doctor. Homeopathy is a safe and sustainable treatment that provides a reliable solution for a problem like colic.

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