22 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Peptic Ulcer
- Category: all
- Date: 28-12-2024
What is Peptic Ulcer?
Peptic ulcer refers to the condition when ulcers begin to develop along your digestive tract’s lining. The term “peptic” is extracted from pepsin, which is a primary digestive enzyme that is secreted in your stomach to facilitate digestion. Your digestion process is fueled by the presence of natural acid and pepsin that break down the food particles through chemical reactions during the process of digestion. Both these juices have corrosive properties and are passed through your duodenum or the topmost part of your small intestine. The gastrointestinal tract in your body is protected by a lining of mucous to insulate the food particles passing through the duodenum and stomach. When this mucous lining is lower, your digestive juices will corrode the intestinal lining, leading to the peptic ulcer condition.
These oval-shaped or round sores occur when the bile liquids corrode and penetrate through your triple mucous lining layers. These mucosal erosions or ulcers measure over 0.5 cm and can become very painful soon after having a meal. A burning sensation in the stomach that develops with a sharp pain is a tell-tale symptom related to peptic ulcer, especially at night when lying down or after fasting. People with peptic ulcer will not be tolerant to greasy fried foods, as they might experience nausea, heartburn, and bloating. A well-experienced homeopathic doctor like Dr Vikas Singhal at TheHomeoSaga in Chandigarh would be able to identify the actual cause that is responsible for your peptic ulcer and suggest the right treatment to heal it completely.
The most common causes of peptic ulcer condition are excessive use of anti-inflammatory medicines or painkillers, or an infection triggered by the Helicobacter pylori bacterium. Sometimes, regular use of alcoholic drinks, smoking and too much intake of steroids might also lead to peptic ulcers. If not untreated, peptic ulcers can cause the development of chronic conditions like:
Peptic Ulcer: Types
Based on the location of the painful and open sores in the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer is segregated into the following types. All three types of peptic ulcers can occur among people of all ages and can be healed with homeopathic treatment.
Peptic Ulcer: Signs and Symptoms
Kids aged over 10 years, teenagers, and adults might develop the peptic ulcer condition at some point of time in their lives. While some people might experience a combination of symptoms, few might experience stomach pain or heartburn alone as soon as they eat something. Read on to understand the common symptoms and signs associated with peptic ulcers.
Causes of Peptic Ulcer
There are several factors that can trigger acid production in your digestive tract and decrease the mucous lining along the gastrointestinal tract. For example, H. Pylori infection is responsible for causing more than 90% of ulcers in the duodenum and 60% of ulcers in the stomach. Some of the major causes of peptic ulcers are discussed below.
Homeopathic Treatment for Peptic Ulcer
Homeopathic treatment approaches peptic ulcer as a serious malfunction in your body’s digestive system. It occurs due to the lethargic degenerative process owing to the shortage of elements essential for your body to performance its routine functions and to rejuvenate major organs. Homeopathic remedies are formulated using potent plant and herbal extracts loaded with healing abilities that help cure the sores in the mucus lining on duodenum, intestine and esophagus.
Homeopathic medicines can combat the infection by H. Pylori lowering the amount of acid production in the stomach while lowering pain and edema. You can stay assured of getting permanent relief from the painful symptoms of peptic ulcer when opting for homeopathic treatment. As stomach ulcers require more time for healing, it is essential to take homeopathic remedies for a longer period even if you don’t have heart burn or stomach pain anymore. With homeopathic treatment, it is possible to cure peptic ulcer without opting for surgical procedure.
Homeopathy offers several effective remedies to cure peptic ulcer condition quickly. Your homeopathic practitioner would devote more time to learn the different symptoms of the peptic ulcer disease that you are experiencing every day to pay attention to its root cause. Such detailed evaluation will have a vital role in the prescribing the right set of homeopathic medicines to cure peptic ulcer, as the causes of the condition might differ from one patient to the other. Apart from healing the painful and open ulcerative sores in your abdominal mucus lining, your doctor will also try to eliminate the actual cause that was triggering it. This unique approach by homeopathy not only offers much relief from the pain and discomfort in your abdomen, but also enhances your body’s immune levels to combat H. Pylori bacterium. So, with long term intake of homeopathic remedies, you can bid goodbye to peptic ulcer for a lifetime.
Why Homeopathy is the Right Treatment?
Unlike other types of treatment, Homeopathy is very gentle on the human body and safe for patients of different age groups, as these remedies do not have any side effects. Your doctor would prescribe homeopathic remedies after making a thorough analysis of your genetic, physical, and emotional state, which best describes you as a complete individual. Homeopathy follows a well-organized constitutional approach based on the patient’s physical and mental well-being to rectify the peptic ulcer condition from its root. Homeopathy plays a huge role in the symptomatic management of peptic ulcer while eliminating the chances of the recurrence of the disease and optimizing the overall health of an individual.
Another interesting aspect of homeopathic treatment is that you can take multiple homeopathic remedies without having any concerns about interactions or side effects. These medicines are formulated and developed thoughtfully by homeopathic experts to ensure that they don’t have any addictive properties and non-habit-forming traits. This explains why homeopathy treatment is held with high regard for its safety aspect, as it has over 200 years of proven expertise for being clinically effective. As homeopathy treatment focuses on curing a medical condition in totality rather than cutting down the intensity of its symptoms, it offers a long-lasting cure, making it a permanent solution for your health.
As homeopathy relies on the principle of tackling the root cause behind a medical condition, it provides a permanent cure in the long run. The treatment by your homeopathic practitioner helps in promoting your body’s immunity system, which in turn, optimizes the healing ability of your body parts. These medicines also ensure that peptic ulcer disease and its symptoms don’t progress to severe levels as they can quicken the healing process of ulcers in the stomach. If you were relying on NSAIDs or pain-relieving drugs to get relief from joint pains, stomach pains, or heartburn, try homeopathy to cut down your dependency on pain-relieving drugs. Apart from getting rid of the symptoms related to peptic ulcer, homeopathic treatment also ensures that you stay healthy to prevent the development of other health issues in future.
Why Should You Prefer Homeopathy Treatment For Peptic Ulcer?
As homeopathy relies on the principle of tackling the root cause behind the peptic ulcer condition, it provides a permanent cure in the long run. Keep reading to learn more about the key benefits of opting homeopathy treatment for peptic ulcer.
Top 22 Homeopathic Medicines for Peptic Ulcer
Homeopathy is considered an effective and safe treatment for people of different age groups having peptic ulcer. Homeopathic remedies focus on healing the ulcers in your digestive tract to cut down the frequency of symptoms and severity of the condition from advancing further. However, avoid self-medication when trying these homeopathic remedies, as it will be effective only when you follow your doctor’s advice. These homeopathic medicines will be prescribed separately or as a combination of remedies based on specific symptoms that might differ from one patient to another. Read on to learn more about the top 22 homeopathic remedies for peptic ulcer to make lives easier and help people live without pain and discomfort.
1. Nux Vomica – Best Homeopathic Medicine for Peptic Ulcer
This homeopathic remedy is formulated to offer excellent relief to patients dealing with severe stomach pain that develops even when they consume very little food. Your stomach might sting with pain even when you touch your abdomen softly. Nux Vomica medicine is prescribed when you suffer intense symptoms of peptic ulcer like heartburn, vomiting, flatulence and vomiting. It is also effective for pressure or tightness felt in the abdomen cavity caused by ulcers in the mucous lining. It is used mostly to suppress the effects of stomach ulcers that occur as soon as you have fried or spicy foods, or consume alcohol, coffee, or tobacco products. This homeopathic remedy is ideal for people who use alcohol or smoke regularly to control eructation that is bitter and sour.
2. Arsenicum Album
Arsenicum Album is prescribed by your doctor for patients who feel restless, fatigued and anxious, which worsens when looking or smelling food. You might also feel excess pain in the esophagus, and burning pain in the abdomen that gets better when applying warmth or when you sit from a lying position. This homeopathic remedy is also given for severe symptoms of peptic ulcer like vomiting black or brown mucus or bile with blood. It also lowers the need to drink more warm water due to excess thirst, loose stools, and dark stools after drinking alcohol or having meals. It is useful to relieve gastrointestinal symptoms that occur after having cheese, ice creams, fruits, and beer.
3. Carbo Vegetabilis
It is prescribed for patients with peptic ulcer facing symptoms like flatulence or bloated stomach. There will be abdominal pain that gets intense upon lying down and stiffness in the stomach. You might also experience nausea, belching, and sluggishness, especially after consuming foods with fat, dairy, and meat. Carbo Vegetabilis can lower burning sensation in the abdomen, and slow digestive issues caused by ulcers.
4. Kali Bichromicum
It is one of the top-grade homeopathic medicines prescribed to heal round-shaped ulcers in your gastrointestinal tract. Kali Bichromicum helps relieve the feeling of fullness or heaviness after having food caused by round-shaped ulcers in the stomach. You might also lose appetite and vomit yellow liquid, which are severe symptoms related to peptic ulcers. This homeopathic remedy helps in relieving such symptoms.
5. Lycopodium Clavatum
This homeopathic medicine is ideal for patients having discomfort and bloated, especially after consuming fried and fat-laced foods. Lycopodium Clavatum works for patients who face burning and gnawing pain in the ulcerous region in the stomach where digestion is weak and bloating is seen. It also relieves symptoms like feeling full even when eating very little, hunger that gets satiated very quickly, and craving to eat sweet foods and drink hot water.
6. Phosphorus
When you have ulcers along the gastrointestinal tract, it is natural for you to experience immense thirst that requires you to gulp a lot of cold water. However, your gastrointestinal system will not accept the large amount of water that you drink and will be discarded in the form of vomit. Phosphorus will be prescribed to patients who also feel hungry soon after having food and experience pain in the abdomen that makes it sensitive to touch.
7. Argentum Nitricum
This homeopathic remedy is one of the frequently prescribed medicines to treat peptic ulcers. It is commonly used for treating sharp burning or gnawing pain that begins in your abdomen and radiates to other parts of your torso. You might also experience symptoms like vomiting, nausea and belching along with stomach pain. Argentum Nitricum is prescribed to rectify abdominal distension issues triggered by duodenal ulcer.
8. Hydrastis Canadensis
This remedy is proven to be effective in homeopathy world, especially in treating peptic ulcers that cause emaciation and weight loss. It helps in eradicating a severe symptom of stomach ulcer, which is consistent burning pain in your abdomen. Hydrastis Canadensis is also a wise choice to lower sharp cutting pain across your stomach triggered by ulcers. Loathing food, feeling very weak, and epigatrium issues, which are peptic ulcer symptoms can also be cured with regular use of this homeopathic remedy. Chronic gastritis condition caused by ulcers can also eliminated by this medicine.
9. Graphites
This homeopathic remedy will be beneficial for patients who suffer from extreme stomach ache after meals. Graphites work wonders in conditions where patients experience heavy or excess pressure in the stomach. It also helps in healing the burning sensation in your digestive cavity and controls nausea with vomiting triggered by peptic ulcer. The patient might also have constipation and will not extreme cold temperatures.
10. Geranium Maculatum
This homeopathic medicine is suitable for people who develop nausea, headaches, and severe hemorrhage caused by abdominal gastric ulcers. It is also useful for treating peptic ulcer symptoms, such as profuse vomiting, gastritis accompanied by too much mucus secretion, and internal bleeding.
11. Ornithogalum Umbellatum
The peptic ulcer symptoms that occur in the pylorus or the connecting part to your small intestine can be treated using this homeopathic medicine. Ornithogalum Umbellatum It is helpful in lowering the effects of severe contractions in the stomach, and duodenum extension. This remedy can also ease symptoms like no appetite, gastric ulcer triggering hemorrhage, pain during movement of food in the gastrointestinal tract, and weight loss. If you belch often with odor, or vomit dark brown content similar to coffee, and pain is felt in the stomach’s upper part, this medicine will be prescribed.
12. Uranium Nitricum
Your homeopathy specialist will recommend Uranium Nitricum to combat the onset of peptic ulcer signs and symptoms. It is best to treat excess appetite and thirst, flatulence after meals, nausea, pyloric pain due to duodenal and gastric ulcer, bloating, and burning pain in the abdominal area.
13. Bismuthum Subnitricum
This homeopathic preparation is suitable for treating the severe inflammation and irritation developing along the alimentary canal. It is useful for gagging sensation accompanied by painful vomiting, throwing up water, sluggish digestion, pain that radiates from your abdomen to reach the spinal cord, burning sensation in the belly and gastritis.
14. Plumbum Metallicum
This homeopathic remedy with lead is preferred to treat sclerotic issues along with thick and hard tissues owing to the abnormal growth of fibrous tissues. You might also feel intense pain in the esophagus and abdomen, stomach tightness and pressure, severe vomiting coupled with gastralgia, and unable to swallow food.
15. Abies Canadensis
Homeopathic practitioners would prescribe Abies Canadensis to treat the symptoms related to gastric ulcers. You might feel a slight tingling sensation similar to hunger in your epigastrium. Peptic ulcer symptoms will lead to stomach distension and a burning sensation, which can be rectified with this remedy. It helps when the patient develops excess cravings for foods with coarse textures like turnips, radishes, pickles and meat.
16. Anacardium
Patients facing the nagging effects of the duodenal ulcer will find respite when using Anacardium prescribed by your homeopathic doctor. The symptoms of ulcers will be better when you are on an empty stomach and when digestion happens. Sometimes, you might face difficulty while swallowing your drink or choke upon eating. You might face constipating issues and your rectum will have a shrunk feel. Some patients might even experience memory loss, which can be rectified by Anacardium.
17. Abies Nigra
It is a pain-relieving homeopathic medicine for peptic ulcer that can heal the stomach pain that you tend to experience soon after food intake. The pain will be similar to the discomfort experienced when a hard-boiled egg is wedged between the heart and your stomach. Abies Nigraalso eases the tendency to eat more food during the night and at noon. Patients who are tea drinkers or tobacco users and the elderly will also face sour eructation as well as dyspepsia.
18. Calcarea Carb
This homeopathic remedy for peptic ulcer is formulated to cut down the level of acid in your digestive tract to prevent sour liquid vomiting and eructation. Calcarea Carb is used to prevent severe hunger even after taking food, a pitted stomach that mimics a saucer in an inverted position and is painful to touch. It can also cure aversions that you have towards eggs, meat, and milk due to gastric ulcer. Sometimes, you might find it tough to pass stools naturally due to constipation issues.
19. Iris Versicolor
It is a homeopathic remedy that has been proven beneficial for curing the symptoms of stomach ulcer, esophageal, gastric, and duodenal ulcers. Iris Versicolor is used to decrease peptic ulcer symptoms like sour vomiting, too much saliva production, and vomiting with blood and bile liquid. Your doctor will prescribe this medicine to cut down the burning sensation in your alimentary canal and anal area to prevent the urge to pass loose stools frequently.
20. China Officinalis
Patients who are dealing with the peptic ulcer condition will have indigestion causing them to throw up food along with hyperacidity, which is why China Officinalis is prescribed. This homeopathic medicine can tackle symptoms like lack of appetite, extreme flatulence with odor, belching, and issues while passing stools. You might also get relief from diarrhea, melena, hematemesis, and severe hemorrhage. It also helps in restoring your body’s hydration levels, heal ulcers, and cut down acid production.
21. Robinia
It is a well-known homeopathic medicine that helps in combating peptic ulcer symptoms like too much production of acid in the stomach that triggers belching with sour-tasting liquid and heartburns. This homeopathic remedy can also help with continuous vomiting, bowel issues, flatulence, abdomen distention, and more. Robinia is useful for treating gnawing pain in the abdomen especially during the night, and acidity problems followed by severe headache in the front side of your forehead.
22. Nux Moschata
This homeopathic remedy is used to treat gastric ulcer and its symptoms like severe stomach pain while eating food or after meals. You might get a headache even if you are eating very little and feel fuller after having small meals each time. Nux Moschata is ideal for patients who have drowsiness, dry mouth, abdominal pain with flatulence, loose stools, and fainting. It is mostly used for relieving flatulent dyspepsia, heals the nervous irritation triggered by intestinal ulcers and promotes sleep quality by healing insomnia caused by peptic ulcer.
Summing Up
We hope the list of the top 22 homeopathic medicines that we curated for you was informative and useful. If you are looking for a safe and effective solution to get relief from peptic ulcer in the long run, seek an appointment with Dr Vikas Singhal at TheHomeoSaga clinic located in Chandigarh today. Dr Vikas Singhal, a veteran homeopathy practitioner with many decades of experience will create a perfect treatment plan based on your body’s specific needs. You can also visit the site of TheHomeoSaga for online consultations with Dr Vikas Singhal to treat peptic ulcers effectively. Get relief from peptic ulcer and its symptoms and say goodbye to all health issues even in future.